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The Story of Ashmil
[release 1.0]

 ashmil comes from bangalore
 he writes code 
 for sun microsystems
 his third world eyes 
 as bright as burmese rubies
 his heart deep as the spring monsoon
 rolling across the bay of bengal
 ashmil designs objects at microsoft
 ashmil is a third world renegade
 ashmil is a third world mercenary
 ashmil is a third world refugee
 ashmil - america beckons you
 you are the new cog to turn that big wheel
 the american machine is turning
 the american machine is burning hot
 reinventing itself as an ether neural network

 ashmil comes from bangalore
 he left the village where 
 they still worship the cow
 went to school barefoot under a tin roof
 worshipped the gods 
 of shiva, krishna and vishnu 
 he now lives in a condo in madison
 got cable tv , new car and hbo
 ashmil is a third world mercenary
 a neural soldier on the global knowledge war
 ashmil has five thousand years of history
 reads sanskrit and speaks hindi and tagamul
 ashmil writes callback functions in redmond WA

 ashmil is looking for a bride
 a tamil from madras, perhaps
 ashmil reads all the proposal letters
 sent through the indian post
 ashmil will wed in june it has been decreed
 his bride will bring a dowry of many lacs 
 ashmil is an ancient persian warrior
 ashmil is an ancient persian trader
 ashmil writes exportable functions at oracle

Copyrights©1999 Ja Uhm


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