Internet Manifesto - Home
J. A. Goes Online

Do I dare?   Do I dare? 
Click the button 
that will disturb the entropy of the Universe  .
Send that packet across the ether ,
that will awaken the sleeping masses. 

The sleeping masses that reload ,
bookmark , and meta-tag their existence 
into sound bytes of IP .
The huddled masses 
that sleep in the subways of the internet railway .

The huddled masses 
that ride the R train to .
The huddled masses 
that wait on the exit turnstile to  .

"Jabberwocky. The Opiate of the masses !"
- so said Alice . 

Do I dare? Do I dare ? 
In this room of Jabberwocky
In this room that has no corners . 
In this room where the barbarians
fling words at the WebCrawlers and Spiders  .

These reptilian carnivores of words 
that devour the carcasses of day old newsprint. 
Their tongues flicking syllables through the
twisted copper wire .

"Jabberwocky!. The frumious Bandersnatch!. 
The dangling conversations on the Ethernet". 
- so said the White Rabbit . 

J.A. turns the ether pages of Usenet
while sipping his morning coffee. 
Checking his portfolio of 
stocks , bonds and existential angst . 

The melancholy of his daily travails 
wander while the last byte of his modem 
fills the buffers of the diode display . 

Another thousand die in Afghanistan ... 
The radar temperature drops 
below  fahrenheit 85 (366 below 451) ... 
A plane crashes over Nova Scotia ... 
Damn the fish cam is down again !. 

Do I dare ? Do I dare ? 
Reveal the secrets of the Web rings that I joined. 
The insidious conspiracies of the digital nether land 
where Che (a.k.a. Mater Blaster ) and 
ViolentFemme (a.k.a. Mata Hari) 
chat about weekends in the Hamptons and 
derivative option futures . 

Oh the tangled web we weave , 
in our  fiber-optic Bolshevik cells . 


J.A. turns up the corners of his collar , 
as oblivion fades the dull image 
on the mirror of his morning shave . 

The 7 a.m. clatter of the subway trains .
The women hitching their skirts 
on the escalator ramps .
The thin morning dew on the windshield .
The paper folds on his brow .

It's a wasteland of words . 
The dangling participles of our thoughts , 
that litter the bandwidth of ethernet . 

Oh must I remind you of the minor tragedies in my life - 
the tattered fringes on this November coat . 

J.A. - Your order (#003-9251409-1548469)
has been shipped FedEx

J.A. arrives 8:30 AM prompt at his desk .- 
catching the last express out of Jersey City . 
The lights flicker on his Email , as he 
downloads the last message from the mail server ... 

J.A. - Your order (#004-9251409-1548470)
has been shipped UPS .Have a good day ...

Ja Uhm Copyrights©1999 


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