Digital Nirvana ... 
American dream ... 
Blue moon of Kentucky ... 
tight over a T1 Backbone ... 
Ram rom paddy whack, 
Give the mongrels their bone. 

Two lane blacktop ... 
Digital highway ... 
Californian surf 
Awash on the sand ... 
This little piggy went to market ... 
This little piggy went to IPO ... 

Digital Nirvana .. 
American Dream... 
Diodes and silica 
Bright , crimson and Green 
Hi-ho, the derry-o, 
The farmer's in the Dell. 

Digital nirvana 
Blue velvet Jazz ... 
Cooler than Java... 
Newer than newhoo 
Hi-ho, the derry-o, 
The farmer's in the Dell. 


And Simple Simon says ... 
London Grid is falling down 
falling down, 
faling down, 
My fair lady-o. 

Ja Uhm Copyrights©1999 




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